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Strategic Communications & Media Relations

THI has a proven track record providing strategic counsel to C-level executives, non-profit organizations, government officials, and political candidates – giving them the fresh perspective they need to accomplish their goals. We have helped leaders launch new initiatives, manage the fallout from a crisis, resolve major internal management issues, and more. We provide direct and objective feedback and creative solutions that respect the sensitivities of internal and external politics, without shying away from making the hard call.

The communications and media relations landscape is dynamic, and trying to apply old rules to the new system doesn’t always work. THI helps clients integrate their communications and media relations strategy across all mediums to create relatable messaging and increase brand awareness. We bridge the gap between traditional earned and paid media with all social media channels to ensure a cohesive message that is authentic to our clients’ brands. 


Event Planning & Execution

Often referred to as the “best in the business,” THI takes clients’ ideas and creates events that garner worldwide press coverage. THI has helped launch national campaigns and provided memorable moments to celebrate key milestones. Whether you are hosting a global event or making an announcement about a community improvement in your neighborhood, your event—if done well—should leave a lasting impression. THI understands how to simultaneously see the whole picture as well as the tiniest detail. Let us sweat the small (and big) stuff so you can entertain.  


Crisis & Issue Management

THI’s expert team provides rapid response and strategic guidance to protect your reputation and credibility in the time of crisis. Our team can assist you with crisis preparedness and prevention planning, as well as provide support during a crisis and reputational repair work after a crisis. THI has advised clients involved in complex legal matters and managed high-stakes media relations during crises such as Bridgegate, airport security breaches, natural disasters, including Superstorm Sandy and hurricane relief efforts in the U.S. Virgin Islands. THI has also counseled clients during political crises on campaigns ranging from local to federal as well as provided nonprofit and corporate clients with crisis communications assistance in matters such as personal data leaks to large-scale labor relations. Our approach combines proactive planning with real-time communications, preparing you to respond to any scenario and allowing you to navigate stressful situations while maintaining trust with stakeholders.

Time's Up

Campaign Strategy & Advocacy

Whether you are running for office, launching an issue campaign, or fighting possible repeal of one of your legislative accomplishments, we help you fight for what you believe in at the municipal, state and federal levels. THI has been at the forefront of critical issues like stopping the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, passing marriage equality, repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, development of vital infrastructure and more. We have fought for local city councilmembers’ re-election campaigns and worked on presidential races; there is no elected office too big or too small when it comes to helping our candidates win on election day and start delivering meaningful change.  


Media & Public Speaking Training

The biggest mistake leaders make with media interviews and public speaking is assuming they don’t need to practice or improve. Whether you are a seasoned pro or getting ready for your first speech or media interview, THI can help you shape your message to ensure that your interview or speech resonate with your intended audience. Above all, we help you look and feel confident in the spotlight.  


Social Media Strategy & Execution

By bridging the gap between traditional earned and paid media with all social media channels, THI ensures a cohesive message that is authentic to our clients’ brands. Our strategic partnership with D’Marie, a social media analytics and casting software company, gives us access to real-time data to determine your brand’s true organic reach and influence, and also helps us use data versus hype around which social media influencer will have the biggest impact for your campaign.  


Government Relations & Lobbying

THI works at city, state and federal levels of government to advocate on behalf of our clients to pass, change or defeat bills and regulations and secure discretionary funding and contracts for businesses and nonprofits. We are also able to help with introductions and relationship management with government-facing priorities that are not in the lobbying space. We have strong relationships at all levels of government in states like New York, New Jersey, California, and other jurisdictions across the United States, and we know how to leverage our knowledge of the political landscape and players to position our clients effectively time and time again.  


Paid Media

THI’s paid media services allow organizations to deliver their message to target audiences with precision. Our strategies integrate seamlessly with earned media, maximizing budgets across advertising campaigns in traditional (broadcast and print) channels, programmatic advertising, SEM, social media, and more. With real-time optimization and weekly insights, THI delivers measurable results for your organization’s paid media needs.